

Bug Off!

Bug Off!
With the summer heat come unwanted visitors. I'm not talking about your in-laws (I'm sure you have lovely in-laws)  – I'm talking about bugs. Whether it's ants invading your backyard picnic or mosquitoes crashing your garden party, you want to find a way to banish them forever.

Everyone loves being outdoors, but nobody likes becoming lunch for pesky bugs that can ruin your camp out in the woods. Even more dangerous than an itchy bite are the nasty pathogens insects can transmit. To prevent the spread of insect-borne diseases such as Lyme Disease and West Nile Virus, experts recommend using an effective insect repellent.

You could turn to sticky, smelly, toxic bug repellent. Most common repellents are products that contain DEET, a powerful and toxic chemical that is known to cause negative side-effects, including seizures. Or you could choose an all natural alternative.

DoTerra’s TerraShield™ Repellent Blend is an all-natural, super-concentrated insect repellent formulated with a proprietary blend of 15 Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils that have been scientifically shown to repel insects more effectively than other synthetic insect repellents. The 15 essential oils in TerraShield are blended in a base of 100% pure fractionated coconut oil leaving your skin renewed after each application. TerraShield’s fresh, light citrus smell is wonderfully invigorating and can be used safely by everyone in the family without worry.

TerraShield is 10% off through June 30, 2012. Shop our products here.


Veronica Lee said...

Sadly, I do not have a green thumb. Even my cactus died on me!

New follower!

MomEO said...

Haha! Sounds like me, Veronica. I'm terrible with house plants. Thank you for following!