Thank you to Courtney at My Brown Eyed Girl for honoring me with the Versatile Blogger award!
By accepting this award I agree to do the following:
- Thank the blogger who awarded me with a link back to him/her.
- Share seven things about myself.
- Pass the award on to seven other newly discovered blogs.
1. My first car was a semi-classic, 1970 Ford Mustang with a 351 Cleveland engine. It was very fast. What were my parents thinking?
2. I love watching What Not to Wear. That show has transformed my wardrobe from frumpy mommy to hey, you look pretty good for __________. (Fill in the blank -- your age, having six kids, etc.)
3. My favorite musician is Joseph Arthur.
4. My grandmother taught me how to body surf.
5. I enjoy cooking ... but only if I don't have to.
6. I've written a novel. It remains unedited, in a box under my bed. I'm working on my second novel, which I hope to make into a series. Look for it in stores near you sometime around 2017.
7. I have a bachelor's degree in Zoology. And come to think of it, it is kind of a zoo around here.
Now check out these great new blogs that I've discovered!
Tesa at 2 Wired 2 Tired
Miranda at Not Super...Just Mom
Erica at Off My Mama Rocker
Ashley at My Front Porch Swing
Daria at Mom in Management
Samantha at Life As Wife
Jen at Buried with Children
I always wonder how many books go unpublished and unread hiding in boxes. I hope yours sees the light some day!
For the record, your grandma is kick butt!!
Thanks for thinking of me!
Well, Stacy and Clinton would not be please in the wardrobe choice to this awards show. Sorry but this early in the morning its jammies only in my world. ;)
And thank you for passing this onto me.
Thank you, Sean Marie -- and yours is another blog I'm glad I found!
Thanks, Samantha, and I hope I get the chance to teach my own grandkids. Someday, I mean.
You're welcome, Jen. And yay jammies! I'm in my robe and footsie slippers right now, too. :)
always love a list of blogs ...
and psst, your twitter link is not working!
Nicole, thanks for giving me the head's up!
Congrats and thanks for stopping by an visiting my blog. Following now as well.
Thanks and welcome, Alaina!
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