

Nip It In the Bud!

Sick Kids
A tale of two sicklies:

Last night, my Little Monkey wasn't feeling very well.  He had a little bit of a fever, and he said he felt like throwing up.  I pounced with my oils -- rubbed some DigestZen blend on his tummy, some OnGuard blend on his feet, and a little PastTense blend on the back of his neck for his headache.

Ms. Grace, my teenager, also complained of a tummy ache, but we didn't connect the dots.  I attributed it to swallowing too much water (she plays water polo).  I suggested she use some DigestZen, but I didn't follow up.  She fell asleep on the couch before she used any oils.  Again, I thought it was just being worn out from water polo.

My Little Monkey slept well and woke up feeling much better.  He still has a little bit of a fever, but he's active and playing video games with his brother.

His sister?  Not so lucky.  She woke up vomiting in the middle of the night.  She was still very feverish and listless this morning.  Better late than never, she got some DigestZen and OnGuard and has been sleeping it off today.

Now, back in the day, I would be trembling with fear, bracing myself for a nasty stomach flu making its way through all eight of us.  But this time, I'm spritzing lemon oil water in every room, diffusing OnGuard in the main living area, and  making sure everyone, including those of us still healthy, are getting doses of OnGuard.

Getting sick is a miserable thing.  Thankfully, my oils let me nip it in the bud so we can all get back to normal.


E-mail me for a free sample of the essential oil of your choice.

Slim N Sassy

Oil of the Month!

Slim N Sassy Metabolic Blend
Just in time for the most common New Year's resolution: Slim N Sassy metabolic blend is designed to help manage appetite between meals.  It includes a blend of grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, ginger, and cinnamon essential oils.

Most unhealthy "diet" potions use diuretics that cause the body to release water, resulting in short-term weight loss -- but also dehydration and other negative health consequences.

Primary Benefits

* Helps your body adjust to reduced calorie intake.
* Helps manage appetite between meals
* Helps calm stomach and gastrointestinal stress related to diet.
* Lifts and elevates mood.
* Encourages healthy hydration.

What makes this product unique?  Slim N Sassy contains no caffeine or other stimulants.  It contains no sugar, so it has zero calories.  It has no artificial colors, flavors, or ingredients.  It is easy to use and with no harmful side effects.

AND... because Slim N Sassy breaks down toxins in fat tissue, it is also effective against cellulite.  Try a Slim N Sassy sugar scrub for a luxuriant way to fight the battle of the bulge.

Lose weight the healthy way!  Slim N Sassy metabolic blend is 10% off during the month of January, 2012.  Visit for ordering information.


Celebrating the Old and the New

Happy New Year!
Every year as I approach the New Year, I feel as though I'm an out-of-shape marathon runner crawling across the finish line.  I feel such a sense of relief to reach it.  I give myself permission to lay down the burden of all the "good enough," "oh, well," and "oops" moments that have accumulated over the year.  I face the New Year hopefully, believing it will be different this time... somehow.

Well, this year will be different.  Because I'm going to try something new.  I've decided to end the year gently.  Before I celebrate the New Year, I am taking the time to celebrate the old one first.  Here are the things I am contemplating today.

  • What have been your personal or business achievements this year?
  • What new products, courses, websites, sales strategies, etc have you created or implemented this year?
  • What events or training did you attend?
  • What books have you read?
  • Did you increase your income or pay off some debts?
  • Did you move or upgrade anything in your life, home, or business?
  • What charitable causes did you support?
  • Did you make new friends? Or reconnect with an old one?
  • Did you forgive someone or patch up an disagreement?
  • Did you exercise or try a new sport?
  • Did you invest in your marriage or your relationships with your kids?
  • Did you travel anywhere?
  • Did you do kind things for yourself for your own self care?
  • Did you try anything outside your comfort zone?
My resolutions can wait for a day.

What were your greatest accomplishments last year?